As I am sure you are all aware, October is National Breast Cancer Awareness month. This month of awareness was established in 1985 to promote mammography and to educate both women and men on the genetic and environmental risks of developing breast cancer. This year the NFL has partnered with The American Cancer Society in their "Crucial Catch" campaign. To show their support of this cause, during the month of October NFL players, refs and cheerleaders are sporting that glorious pink which is the banner color for breast cancer.
Well in our neck of the woods the area feeder football teams along with the high school teams have decided to join the NFL in getting the message out there about breast cancer awareness and to show their support of the cause. This past weekend the teams strutted pink socks with pink wristbands.
There's my Michael (number 21) about to make a tackle! Go Mike!!!
The back of each boy's helmet has been adorned with a pink ribbon.
OK so here is the nurse in me coming out. I had to do a little digging but I wanted to at least give you some statistics.
According to the site, 1 in every 8 women will develop invasive breast cancer during the course of their lives. The greatest risk factors are that of being a women and aging. And according to the CDC breast cancer is the MOST common cancer among all women regardless of race or ethnicity.
The good news is that death rates from breast cancer have been on a steady decline since 1987 (, with larger decreases in those women under the age of 50. This is believed to be due to the ongoing education of women with regard to breast cancer awareness, treatment advances and early detection through screening.
To read more about breast cancer, what it is, its occurrences, risk factors and treatments, you can go to the American Cancer Society's Facts and Figures by clicking here.
Have you had your yearly mammogram yet?
Wishing you great health and much happiness.
Thank you, Barbara. Great post. What a great thing to get the kids involved. I think it makes them stronger adults..Happy Halloween..Judy